I was here
I was here

I was here

I was here

Fine5 Dance Theatre

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Denne forestillingen handler om fysisk og mental / åndelig kommunikasjon og berøring.

"There is a strong image from real life that is almost haunting me: I saw my mother and father holding hands for the first time in their lives only when they were 70 years old. Even if they had been together for a long time and shared their lives, their way of communicating with each other was influenced by the time and place they were born and raised. They did not talk about it. I saw how important is just a simple human touch, how powerful it is and what is it speaking about us as humans. " (Olga Zitluhina)

Opptaket fant sted 20. mai 2020 da showet skulle ha funnet sted. På grunn av isolasjonsperioden kunne tilskuere ikke komme til forestillingen, men dansere kom. Stedet er et vakkert palass i Kadriorg, Museum of Arts i Tallinn.

Regi Olga Zitluhina (Latvia) Kostyme Kirill Safonov Musikk Henry Purcell (1659-1695) Lyd designer Valentin Siltsenko Assistent Renee Nõmmik Dansere Helen Reitsnik, Olga Privis, Tiina Ollesk, Argo Liik, Richard Beljohin, Simo Kruusement Filmet av Virko Veskoja, minufilm
