Women's clothing throughout the times have inspired this performance, where impressive costumes in different materials from metal to paper are a part of the experience.
Throughout the times clothes have contributed in creating people. Different fashions and clothes of the times have protected and exposed the body. At the same time they have limited the freedom of movement and represented status within society.
In Circulus femineus we meet a woman who carry a number of different costumes in different materials. How the materials form the movement is an essential part of this duet, where dancer Maria Littow and musician Aija Puurtinen tells a story of the many roles of the female.
The dancer and the musician are two sides to the same person, who in dialogue with herself tries to handle different circumstances. When to please and when to be difficult? When to be afraid and when to be brave? In this performance the music is the language of dancer Maria Littow. Aija Puurtinen create soundscapes that in dialogue with Maria Littow touch on comical as well as tragic topics.
Musician: Aija Puurtinen
Lighting design: Jukka Huitila
Costume design: Pirjo Valinen
Seamstress: Laura Luosujärvi
Photographer: Pirjo Lempeä and Jari Haavikko
Produced by: Flow Productions and JoJo - Oulun Tanssin Keskus
Sponsors: Finnish National council for Dance, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
Performance: Hammerfest Cinema, Wednesday 8th of October, 7 p.m.