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Young Choreography in Barents

Youth and strength. Beautiful and stylish. Brave and raw. The future's choreographers give a report on dance today.

Dance is one of the art forms where collaborations are made across boarders all over the world. This year we are lucky to present four young choreographers from Russia, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Each of the four countries with their own dancers and own choreography, something that will create a night filled with variation and experiences.

From Norway we meet choreographer Ingunn Bekkevoll Tarebø-Myhre from Bodø, who through collaboration with Stellaris DanceTheatre and North-Norwegian regional Dance stage in Hammerfest has produced Time for trouble/green grass. A duet where intimacy are followed by the opposites of evergreens and electronical music. Finland presents the choreography Letter to the past by and with Mirva Mäkinen and Andrius Katinas, who explores how experiences and memories from the past lives in the present.

From Sweden we meet choreographer Patrik Häggström and his duet Gap. Two dancers try to save themselves by dancing away their frustrations, which originate from their ideas of what reality is and how it should be.

Choreographer Julia Britvina from Russia showcases two choreographies, the trio Angel-A and the solo Dancer by Dega, inspired by Degas painting and danced by the choreographer herself.

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From Time for trouble/green grass. Photo: Susanne Næss Nielsen

Time for trouble/green grass (N)
Choreography: Ingunn Bekkevoll Tarebø-Myhre
Dancers: Christine Kjellberg and Fernando Molin
Composer: Andreas Fliflet
Costume: Mona Irene Grimstad
Co-producers: Stellaris DanceTheatre, Tarebø-Myhre Produksjoner
and North-Norwegian regional Dance stage

Letter to the past (SF)
Choreography and dance: Andrius Katinas and Mirva Mäkinen

Gap (S)
Choreography: Patrik Häggström
Dancers: Fabian Wixe and Patrik Häggström

Angel-A (R)
Choreography: Julia Britvina
Music: The end (art-rock group)
Dancers: Ekaterina Kovkina, Ekaterina Sutkovskaya, Dmitrij Melnikov

Dancer by Dega (R)
Choreography and dance: Julia Britvina
Music: J. S .Bach – Jack Lucien

Project manager: Solveig Leinan-Hermo
Project initiated by: Barents DanceCouncil

Dans i Nord (S), Jo-Jo Oulu Dance Centre (SF), Druzba (RUS),
Stellaris DansTeater (N), North-Norwegian regional Dance stage (N)

Performance: Hammerfest Cinema, Sunday 12th of October, 7.30p.m.