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Holding Position

Thomas of Norway

Saturday 13 November 18:00, Solveig Leinan-Hermo studio, Arktisk kultursenter

Thomas of Norway returns to DanseFestival Barents, this time with the new performance Holding Position.

Based on dementia and Alzheimer's, dancer and choreographer Thomas Voll explores a poetic landscape where bodily experiences and reflections take place. Holding Position is an aesthetic, soundly and beautiful duet about close relationships, and when close relationships gradually cease.

«With Holding Position, I want to explore new ways of communicating. A new landscape in the universe of Thomas of Norway. This is the first time I work with text and voice, in the shape of interviews with relatives who have lost someone with dementia. This material alone forms the starting point in the soundscape of the performance, and creates a different starting point 
for my choreographic work»

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    Photo: Lise Marie Mathisen

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    Photo: Øystein Voll

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    Photo: Øystein Voll

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    Photo: Øystein Voll


Choreographer Thomas of Norway Dancers Thomas Voll and Ellinor Staurbakk Composer Tine Surel Lange Dramaturges Mette Myhr Light design Lucjan Golas Costumes Thomas Voll & Randi Antonsen Co-producer Lofoten kulturhus Photo Øystein Voll A big thank you to Dansearena nord, Oddveig Voll Hovengan, Anne Lise Voll, Øystein Voll, Randi Antonsen and Thomas Schaupp

Duration 45 min

Created with funding and support from Arts Council Norway, Dansearena nord, Lofoten kulturhus, Nordland county municipality, Nordland Visual Theater, Hurtigrutens hus, Øksnes municipality and Vågan municipality.


About Thomas of Norway
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Thomas Voll is a dancer and choreographer from Øksnes in Vesterålen. His artistic practice explores social taboos in which sensitive themes, which often remain unsaid, are given a theatrical expression. 
He is inspired by society's collective silence and how we look at each other, and how we value our individual and common existence. In 2021, Thomas is guest artist at Dansearena nord in Hammerfest, and the development of Holding Position has been a key work during this year. 
